Information security policy

This policy defines the approach of Management Data Praha (hereafter “We”) to information security. Given the information and data, we operate with, security is a fundamental part of our everyday life. 

We are fully aware of the importance of maintaining the availability, confidentiality and integrity of information related to us, our employees, clients and other partners. Therefore, we are hereby committed to ensuring the information at our disposal; to identify and evaluate risks and we declare our commitment to clients, employees and external partners. We undertake to ensure the resources necessary to fulfill our commitment.  

Our security policies, standards and guidelines are released to cover all aspects related to information security and we ensure they are implemented at least at the minimal required level, and we are also prepared to advise our clients regarding security. 

We are aware that people are the cornerstone of our operations therefore we continuously promote our staff awareness in the area of security. All employees and external persons are aware of individual responsibilities and follow the procedures so that the process of ensuring the information security is maintained at the required level. 

Of course, all our activities are carried out in accordance with legislative, regulatory and contractual requirements that are binding for us and we also keep working to continuously improve our security level.